Special Tax Regime

According to the provisions of article 364-5 of the E.T. The non-profit entities and the cooperative sector classified in the RTE must annually update the information in the Web Registry, in the first 3 months of each year, starting in 2019. According to the above, ALZAK Foundation made the presentation of the documentation required for the year 2018 through the official page of the Directorate and National Taxes and Customs www.dian.gov.co.


Captura de pantalla 2019-03-21 a la(s) 2.39.09 p. m.


Captura de pantalla 2019-03-21 a la(s) 3.08.19 p. m.


Captura de pantalla 2019-03-21 a la(s) 2.39.54 p. m.


Captura de pantalla 2019-03-21 a la(s) 2.38.17 p. m.